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Faith formation and ministry

We believe that when people encounter Christ through the beauty of the Catholic faith, they will transform their parish, community, and culture.

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Religious education formation

Religious education formation (REF) assists parents in the Catholic faith formation of their children. It is meant to supplement the religious formation at home.

St. Isidore REF director
Mary Stevens

Holy Family REF director
Ginger Kusnier



Adult faith formation

Our goal is to help the faithful of all ages to grow in Christian maturity, to understand and communicate the faith, and learn skills for personal growth.


Adult faith leaders

Carol and Rich Theile



Order of Christian Initiation of Adults

Order of Christian Initation of Adults (OCIA) is the process for adults who desire to join the Catholic faith and for those seeking more information on the Catholic Church.

St. Isidore directors
Roger & Shirley Hughes

Holy Family director
Vivian Durling

Spirit of Nazareth Family & Faith Ministry

The Spirit of Nazareth Family & Faith Ministry will be providing ways for families to connect with one another through faith, fun, food, and fellowship opportunities.  


These opportunities will aid in helping Catholic families to find supportive friendships within the parish and access peer support, have a fun environment that is faith enriching and the whole family can be in attendance; to aid in strengthening Catholic friendships for our children in our current world, as well as ways to bring the spirit of the Holy Family at Nazareth; Jesus, Mary, and Joseph into our own home—the Domestic Church.


​The God of Dreams: The Story of Joseph - Feb. 16 (after Mass at Holy Family)


Ministry leaders

Dan and Angela Porta

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Youth Ministry

Our youth ministry engages young people in middle or high school in the Catholic faith through listening, caring, and acts of kindness. Learn more about youth ministry.


Youth leader
Rachel Remenar

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